
h's shitfit
Wednesday, May. 14, 2008 @ 3:05 PM

My daughter and I ran into T the other night in Safeway. We were both coming head-on into each other with our shopping carts. It was unavoidable, and bound to happen sooner or later, given we live in the same town. He grabbed her out of the cart immediately; she was too tired to fight back. Gah.

Since then, she's had a dramatic change in her behavior. Last night she woke up screaming and did not calm down for almost an hour. She had such a fit that she woke my mom up. She had to scream at me for just letting her cry on the bed. She did not want to be held or comforted. When I would pick her up she would kick and punch me; when I put her down on the floor she would bang her head and throw things. It was the most horrible state I've ever seen her in. My mom's only comment was that H is crazy and needs an evaluation. It was only one vistit with her sperm donor that caused this.

I think we just need to move.