
these men
Monday, May. 19, 2008 @ 10:38 PM

The child support woker finally called me today becuase T had been served and was with her in the office. She wanted to know if I would agree to the amount set, and if so, he would sign the stipulation and it would be all over and done with as long as I signed it as well within the week. This means we will be able to avoid going to court altogether, and I will not have to see him anytime soon.

I am so unbelievably happy he didn't fight it, though as I expected, I was barraged with a shitstorm of text messages today. This one was especially excellent:
T: Personally, I can't say I've ever been rewarded 4 being an easy mark!
Me: You're a fucking asshole.

I am still talking with S and I feel like a fucking idiot for doing so. Before the incident with T I had quite a clear red flag about his character that I ignored for whatever reason. I've had that same warning from S, but I can't not answer when he calls.

These men--they have this power to call into question the judgments you've made about them quite easily. It is the calculated use of flattery and charm and wit. The way they infect your mind is quite insidious, albeit not very sophisticated.

It's not very difficult for me to see that this one is just spewing crap, but I kind of want to be bullshitted right now, so who fucking cares. At least this one can't hurt me.