
Wednesday, Jul. 09, 2008 @ 2:46 PM

So I received the confirmation needed to determine that S is a creepy asshole. After much nagging and guilt-tripping I gave in and we ended up playing a game of show-me-yours-and-I'll-show-you-mine. Well, he got what he wanted then totally flipped out on me, while becoming angry and mean. Hostility and sexuality seem to go hand-in-hand with all of my sexual and pseudo-sexual experiences. I don't understand why this attraction takes place between myself and others. Why are the assholes drawn to me?

The other asshole finally stopped hacking my myspace but now wants to get custody of my daughter. There's no way in hell I'm going to allow this to happen. He's not entitled to any parental rights. He should be rotting away in a prison somewhere. And, if certain individuals hadn't opened their goddamn mouths I wouldn't even be concerned about this. So my options are a) get a lawyer and fight even though I have no proof he is a sexual predator or b) suck it up and leave the state. I need to fucking leave anyway. I hate everyone that I know and I'm tired of the sabotage. It just sucks that people meddling where they shouldn't have led to this.